... peers over them enthusiastically around table, folds hands and begins brightly:well hello boys! I'm so glad to see that Taylor Coleman has joined us today and -
checks notes, furrows brow- Leon ...
Conrad wriggles in seat with delight, jabs at Taylor with elbow - Taylor attempts to subtly distance himself with long, contemplative sip of coffee. I'm pretty sure I've already laid out this blog for at least Taylor, if not both of you.
Conrad yawns noisily. Ali glares, corrects herself, resumes with strained cheerBasically, it's a practical
manifestation of an idea sparked by Conrad's hypothetical scenario of "communal living with a positive purpose," and fueled by the creative energy generated while sharing and discussing projects with Taylor.
Taylor beams. Conrad flicks paperclip at Ali's glasses.What I had in mind for the tortoise was a place where we can share
- Inspiration: anything which sparks you - passage, quote, article, link, photograph, art, artist, author, concept, anything
- Ideas: whether a broad, general creative idea or an idea for a very specific project
- Projects: sharing the progress of a project, the actual project-in-progress, or the completed product
Basically, a creative catch-all: somewhere where we can not only archive our own inspirations, ideas, and creations, but where we can also open them to others and receive/generate thoughtful feedback.
Every post will automatically have the author's name at the bottom and, if we all use the same labels when creating a post [e.g. IDEA, INSPIRATION, or CREATION] then we can quickly find everything within a given category using the label module on the home page's right hand.
Any thoughts? Questions? Suggestions? Concerns?
Ali looks up - realizes Taylor is texting and Conrad has quietly slipped under the table to nap on his backpack. Rubs bridge of nose wearily, sighs.