Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Long Day

It was an arduous day and creativity of any kind was omitted as will be reflected here for the most part.

Frustration with a busted radiator and a dead end job has me a little rattled but I'll make an effort to give project updates.

Ali is making a home for our co-op garden in her backyard since we didn't start early enough and I, for one, am quite excited to see what we reap. More than being ecstatic about seeing the growth and production of the work scheduled to be put forth I am bubbling over with anticipation at the thought of the dishes Ali will concoct using the yield.

Finished working out lyrics and a basic guitar structure for a new song which will be added to the original set I've been working on and really need to start and finish the recording of said songs. The completion date is still set for mid-May which means I have work to do.

A great gift in the form of a classic Schwinn has resulted in several trips to the bike shop and a nearly finished product which has already provided me with great times and enjoyable exercise. Once it has been completed I will post photographs and gloat over the luck and yet again give excessive appreciation to Ali.

I sure hope William follows this up with something worthy of attention. I would love to see some more of everybody else's work here...


  1. I got nothing. Dry as a bone and I don't even care lately. I don't know what my deal is. Apologies to all for my lack of recent participation.

  2. Gabe,

    Your lack of participation now has already been made up for with the prior consistency and im sure youll be back with something soon.

  3. Taylor: You & Will put us all to shame, especially staying consistent while facing a (real or perceived) lack of creative impetus. Anywho, I'm thinking Saturday for breaking ground, and if I haven't scrounged up a tiller by then... your romantic notion of tilling the earth by hand might be realized. Also, have you checked in w/ the dairy yet...?

    Gabe: C'mon, we gotta rouse some pride! I'm sure you've got a song or a scrap of verse kicking around in there

  4. Were you not cheered at the end of the day with a movie?

  5. a-
    I have never thought of connecting inspiration with pride. Hm. As I started thinking through my last week for the Times, I remembered the poem I wrote when the sunny clouds and foothills were romancing me last week. You were right, there is always a scrap of something.

    thank you sir.
